그림자 맨. 그는 누구인가? 그는 제주빅수영팀의 팀원이며, 한국어 블로그를 책임지고 있는 케니 킴, 김영진입니다. 한국어 블로그 http://www.thejejubigswim2010.blogspot.com/
케니는 우리를 위해서 언론에 우리를 알리는 활동을 했습니다. 그리고 JDC제주공항면세점에서 매니저(제주국제자유도시개발센터)로 일하고 있습니다. 케니의 최고의 역할은 이프로젝트를 위하여 자원봉사를 하는 겁니다. 그리고 그는 정기적으로 외국인 포탈인 rhymeswithjeju에 글을 올리고 있습니다. 그는 진정으로 외국인 커뮤니티를 위하고 있습니다.
한국어불로그 코멘트 . J.W. Kim으로부터, 하이 쉐린! 태풍때문에, 나는 당신을 걱정했습니다.많은 사람들이 당신 및 당신의 목적에 대하여 얘기를 합니다. 이것은 당신의 목적이 이미 성공했다고 생각됩니다. 축하합니다. 부디 제주빅수영이 안전하게 성공하기를 빕니다.
지난밤 당신은 어디에서 잠을 잤나요? A popular traditional American folk song popularized by Nirvana, "My girl, my girl, don't lie to me, Tell me where did you sleep last night?" I'm not sure where " my girl" is or where she slept, but I happened to sleep here in The Big Blue 33 dive shop after arriving in Seogwipo Harbor.
Media cannabalism. Alive and well throughout this project. I am apart of this. I first heard this idea at The Jeju Weekly's One-year anniversary when former editor Tracie Barrett and Arirang Radio DJ Jenie Hahn explained that the English media on Jeju - since so small and everyone knows each other and talks about each other (and really just a microcosm of Jeju people and their media) - cannabalizes each other. One person interviews each other, who is interviewed by another and in the end everyone just interviews each other.
Here is the perfect example. A JIBS producer (I'm not sure what the Konglish meaning of "PDnim" actually means) is interviewing team member Sung-mi, who in turn, throughout various parts of the day, was filming the producer film Sherrin and I. But, in the end, I am taking a picture of both of them and posting it on a blog. It is endless. Koreans, statistically, take more film and pictures than any other people, per capita, in the world.
Fake hugs. Ah, the Korean media! Sherrin and I fake hugged four times for the cameras Tuesday. Twice on the beach, and twice when I left the Hyatt Tuesday night.
Why not reality? If Korean media were to actually be in the right places at the right times, they would have much better storylines and REALITY. I've written this before, but if they actually filmed me sleeping on Pyeongdae Beach instead of faking me setting up a tent on asphalt in the Maze Park, or filming Sherrin crying two times (once on Samyang Beach and once on Pyoseon Beach), or filming me vehemently swearing at Sherrin approaching Seongsan Ilchulbong, or us crash landing into whitewater at numerous locations, or filming the entire sloppy conversation between Sung-mi and Young-lim in the wee hours on the Hyatt suite balcony and having Sherrin come and tell them to hush up. THAT is reality. Not Sherrin and I fake hugging.
또다른 기부. 이것은 레인 칼빈으로부터이다. 2010년 08월 17일에 지수가 우리에게 이메일로 알려줬다. 감사합니다. 개인적으로 나는 당신을 모릅니다. 당신의 이름이 확실히 외국이름이란것을 알것 같습니다. 우리는 당신이 우리를 얼마나 알고 있는지 궁금합니다. 만약 당신이 기회가 있으면, 부디 우리에게 알려주세요.
Jawbreakers. A popular candy in the Western world, also known as Gobstoppers. Team member Ji-su is actually having her jaw broken during surgery, which takes place Thursday. All team members wish her the best of luck and she will not be able to talk, according to her, for two weeks.
쓰레기 업데이트. The metal bucket floating in the water a few days ago, reminded me of a dairy farm. Did a cow kick this to sea? Probably not a dairy cow on the island. This could be the one piece of garbage that actually originated from China. ... A lot of wood pieces. Big chunks. I've seen some with the nails sticking out and through. The bigger harbors we have recently passed by - Namwon, Wimi, Seogwipo, are filthy. Shit floating everywhere.
제주의 물은 어떻게 깨끗한가? I've had extreme experiences with water. I grew up close to the Milwaukee River. Everyone knows to eat a fish out of that river is simply not safe due to the toxicity levels, and this was true when I was born 31 years ago. Fast forward to today. I can and do drink the water to this day out of the Pocosin and Conway Rivers which flows close by my mountain cabin in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. Are Jeju seawaters clean? Overall no. Relative to China? Yes. Would I tell an prospective international traveler to visit Jeju or someplace in the Caribbean based on the water quality? The Caribbean, without a doubt. The waters around Puerto Rico's smaller eastern islands, Vieques and Culebra, are much more scintillating than Jeju's. And Puerto Rico is one of the most densely populated islands in the world with 4 million people. And, they properly clean their beaches, year round.
But, Jeju's waters should be the cleanest, and their many diverse beaches should also be the cleanest, if properly cared for.
제주정부가 관광객에게 제주바다가 깨끗하다라고 말하는 것을 믿지 마세요. While those same domestic tourists contribute more to their country's waste in the sea by never being taught to properly throw it away.
거기에서 나오세요 그리고 당신을 위해서 바다를 보세요. 다른사람이 당신에게 말하는 것을 믿지 마세요. 당신이 직접 확인하세요.
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