2010년 9월 10일 금요일

제주빅스윔이 드디어 끝납니다.

일요일날 드디어 제주 빅스윔이 끝납니다. 토요일날 스티브는 혼자서 애월서쪽부터 이호해수욕장까지 카약할것입니다.

12시30분에 저는 김천태씨와 함께 이호해수욕장에서 도두항까지 수영할것이고(2.25키로미터입니다. 저는 그다음 멈추고 이정훈씨가 저 대신에 김천태씨와 함께 용두암항까지 4키로미터 수영할것입니다.

박현하씨와 조윤정 두 여성분께서 이정훈씨다음에 김천태씨와함께 용두암에서 탑동까지 수영할것이고요.

일요일날 우리는 같이 사라봉에 와서 2시정도에 시작할것입니다. 당연히 스티브가 토요일하고 일요일날 동반해줄것이고요.

우리는 삼양에 3시에서 2-3시사이에 도착할것입니다.
일요일날 5시에 삼양에서 라이브 음악과 함께 파티가 있습니다. 꼭 나와서 제주빅스윔팀이 제주 빅 스윔 2010을 마치는것을 같이 축하해주세요.

우천시 Lighthouse 레스토랑에서 파티를 할 예정입니다

2010년 9월 6일 월요일

카약킹: DAYS 36 그리고 37 완 료

Will be updated by late Tuesday night. I have a lot of nonsense to complete before then. I will finish strong the last 6 days of the blog. Ya'll have plenty to read. ... Come back.

I went from Chagwido Harbor to Gwakji Beach (23 kilometers) on Saturday afternoon/evening, and bright and early Sunday morning I managed another 11 kilometers from Gwakji Beach to a harbor a few kilometers west of Iho Beach.


Guest Blog By Sherrin Hibbard


The Jeju Big Swim reached Chagwido on August 23rd. Since then, work commitments, inclement weather, a nasty infection in my foot (that has now moved to my knee) and the difficulties of maintaining such a high level of fitness now I'm back at school, has meant that Steve kayaked by himself this weekend to get as far as [a few kilometers west of Iho Beach] - that's a huge [34] kilometers! (He's kayaking, so I get to blog!)

Our plan to finish The Jeju Big Swim is for me to meet Steve at Iho Beach next weekend and together, in company with a group of Jeju lifeguards and swimming instructors, swim the relatively easy final stretch back to Samyang Beach, arriving some time in the afternoon. The Jeju Big Swim will finally wrap up with live music on the beach starting about [5 p.m.]

We hope all our supporters will come along and party.

We are still working out the details and logistics, but we'll update here as it all comes together.


Phase 2 is in the planning stages.

My thoughts:

The most important thing. The goal – one of many – is to raise environmental awareness. How is that going to happen? It already has, but two main ideas: 1) I just finished balancing the books and as a team, we have only spent what our main sponsor, The World Environment and Peace Summer School, has given us – 2,500,000 – and what was donated in-house (200,000) from team members. Translation: We have more than 4,000,000 Won in The Jeju Big Swim bank account, which is EVERYONE’S donation, from KCTV’s 1,000,000 to Gwaneumsa’s healthy offering, to the 10,000 given to us on the Seogwipo docks. It’s all there and we have bandied the idea of using 100 percent of the money toward environmental educational program(s). 2.) And, we know there is the possibility of a grandpappy-aged, good man interested in making this a much bigger project than it already is. ...

How to finish? We are having a meeting tonight (Thursday), and will work out the logistics. We are getting a relay team – including members from the Jeju sea swimming club – all Koreans, I believe. The more people involved, the better. The more Koreans involved, better times two. The more Jejudo Koreans involved, better times three. Relay is really open for interpretation. One person may swim 1 kilometer, the next 2 kilometers, any amount, in any order toward completion. Maybe during the last stretch, we can get all the participating relay members, led by Sherrin, to swim into Samyang the last 1 or 2 kilometers together.

Health. Personally, for the swimmer (and kayaker), finishing the project, as stated above, retains our overall health.

One more thanks. Our last donation that came in was from Kim Kyoung-ho. Thanks for the support. While relaying this information in an e-mail, Ji-su wrote, "Bless this man. Really."
